New Mercies
Its now been one whole year since we moved. In the few days before we moved, I spent quite a bit of time with a dear friend. She had some words of wisdom for me. She told me to get through the first year, knowing that all the firsts would be difficult. Then after that, it would be so much easier because there were no more firsts. A couple of weeks ago I was telling some ladies at our church’s ladies auction that it was my last first. The last thing on the church’s calendar year that I had never been to, had no idea how it worked.
Not only was it for firsts here, but firsts from my old life too. The first time I missed Western Day. The first summer of not being at camp. The strange longing that comes with knowing you’re right where you’re supposed to be, and loving it, but still feeling like a piece of your heart is somewhere else. I suppose we all experience a little of that at different times.
This past Sunday was Christian School Sunday at church and I was asked to give a testimony as a new staff member. It made me continue my reflection on this past year. Its a completely different life. And I love it so much, even though there are people and places and things I miss from my old one. But the thought that kept coming up was, His mercies are new every morning, great is His faithfulness.
God took my heartbreak and turned it into something beautiful. He took the ashes of an old life and created the most wonderful new one. And He’s still doing so, every single day.
And He’s been faithful for this whole year. Faithful to walk beside me in each new situation. Hold me up every time I wanted to quit. Rejoice with me in every victory, even when it was just driving somewhere without a GPS. Cry with me with every memory, good or bad. Forgive me for my lack of faith or forgiveness.
I would have never made it through this past year without a daily dose of mercy. Praise God that it never runs out. We can never make too many mistakes. Never cry too many tears. Never forget Him for too long. Every single morning we wake up, His mercies are fresh and new. Just waiting for the taking.