Seemingly Insignificant
Do you ever feel insignificant? Do you wonder if the work you do each day will ever amount to anything? Is it worth it to do the dishes again, answer a million questions, teach that english lesson, switch one more load?
Do you wonder if what you do has value?
I do. All the time. Oh, I know that everything I do has value, somehow, somewhere, but it can be so hard to move from knowing to believing, can’t it? And the knowing keeps me doing it all, but the believing, that’s where the real difference is made.
I recently went on a missions trip to Chile. When you think of missions trips, you think of doing wild, amazing things. Of leading people to Christ, speaking to large groups, basically anything that seems big and significant.
And what did I do all week? Well, the first day I led people from one line to the next appropriate line. Yup. For an entire day. That’s all I did. I said hola, smiled, and led them where they needed to go. I was working in a vision clinic so I just led them to see the doctor or to be fitted for glasses. The next three days I learned how to fit people for glasses. Which was slightly more rewarding because it was fun being able to watch some people see clearly for the first time and they were very grateful. But significant? Didn’t really feel like it.
But you know what? Because we said hola, and smiled, and were kind, and showed the love of Jesus through free glasses, when people were led over to the area where other Chilean christians were waiting to share the Gospel, the people holding those glasses were open and receptive. And over 350 people got saved in those four days of clinic.
Its not very often that we get to see the results of our seemingly insignificant actions right in the same room, on the same day. But it was a beautiful reminder to me that every little thing we do in the name of Jesus really is significant.
I was about to write this post last Tuesday, when God had other plans. I think He wanted this lesson to really sink into me before I shared it with you. Instead of my plans of writing on the internet and trying to do something significant, I spent the afternoon with my daughter in the walk-in clinic. She’s fine. She just decided to jump off the top of bleachers at her dad’s baseball game and sprain a ligament in her foot. So a bone is kind of bumping out the side of her foot a little. But no cast for the summer - all the praise hands.
So if today you’re showing up faithful to your job, or you’re wiping snot for the one hundredth time, or you’re doing groceries, or cooking, or whatever, remember that when we do the seemingly insignificant with the love of Jesus, He turns whatever we do into significance.