So, one of the things I’m bad at is Bible memory. I know I should do more and I always mean too, but it just doesn’t really happen. Mostly because I didn’t really have a plan:) I pick verses and spend time mediating on them, but usually fall short of actually memorizing them.
But now I have a plan. I’m starting a verse binder. I was never much for index cards. Seemed way too much like school work and I have too much of that in my life already. So I decided to make my Bible verses pretty. Now, just a disclaimer, I’m not a good photographer or graphic designer, but I like to do both things:) So I’m having some fun with memory verses. My binder will start to fill up with pictures with words on them. Maybe you’ll like them. Maybe you’ll think they’re terrible:) Either way, I’m going to put them up here on a regular basis. I’ve seen other sites with things like this, but since I read and memorize in the King James Version, its hard for me to find ones from that version.
So, maybe you’d like to join me? I’m going to put verses up on my site on a regular basis. I’m also starting a binder for the kids, so those will hopefully make an appearance soon as well. I’m creating another page on the site for all the downloads so you don’t have to scroll through the blog posts to find them as they come up.
I’m starting off with Luke 17:7-10. I heard a sermon on these verses last week that was amazing. The preacher preached on these verses from the perspective of the servant. It was eye opening and convicting. I won’t try to preach it to you here:) But these are great verses for the attitude check I need regularly.