New Every Morning
So yesterday I woke up in Three Rivers, California. Yes, California:) Its been a diverse and crazy couple of days, but one of my favourite moments so far came unexpectedly yesterday morning. (I wanted my blogs about this trip to not be an itinerary of what I did, but a sharing of special moments and memories.)
I had decided the night before that I needed to run in the morning. I hate running on vacation, well, really any time, but how else was I to combat sitting in the car for long periods of time and fast food. Michael agreed to go with me in the morning since we were in a strange place. He was very thrilled when Calvin and Amanda decided to go with me instead. Even just the three hour time difference has us all waking up between 4 and 5am. Except for Michael. He just keeps sleeping until we can no longer stand it and wake him up. We all hate him right now. Anyways, the three of us took off. Calvin had looked up a trail close to our hotel.
It started when I could hear water. I don’t know why I love the water so much. I don’t like swimming in it, but I could look at it all day! We came around a corner and saw massive boulders on the bank of a rushing mountain stream. We all stopped running and thanks to our jetlag, we were able to watch the sun coming up over the mountains. Absolutely gorgeous.
I found a rock by myself and just enjoyed the view. We were all silenced by the beauty of the morning. And also the fact that it was 6am:) But mostly the beauty. I sat on that rock and just communed with my God. What beauty He creates! What a balm for the soul. These verses came to my mind.
Lamentations 3:21 This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope. It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.
I prayed, sang hymns in my head and just thanked the Lord for this opportunity. A few tears escaped my eyes. It was such an unexpected moment of beauty. After we started running again, Amanda and I talked about the creativity of God. Best of both worlds, time to think alone and time to share with a friend. It was an awesome morning made even more awesome by the fact that it was in the middle of a run at 6am:) God is amazing.